Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Peak a boo .... you are seen

"A person who dreams of stardom but never puts in the work isn't dreaming, he's hiding."

I read this in What to do when it's Your Turn by Seth Godin and it touched a cord in me.  To be quite frank, many aspect of the book touched a personal cord!

I have a vision of writing a book, but do I sit and write every day - No! Ah... but dreaming about its so much easier.

At this point, I don't need to write a book .... I just need to write!

How often does one hide in one's dreams?  It is a lot easier to dream than it is to get up and do it.

Do it ... Yea!

Professor Deplands (Concordia University, Religion Dept) coined the term "the will to will".  A concept out of Augustine's writings.  Basically, one gets stuck in "the will to will" and not the doing ... "one day I will ..."  Will that day ever come?  One can change the "will to will".

Change begins with a thought. Once a thought is in place one works on the behavior and creates the steps for a habit to form.  Once the habit is formed, change has occurred.

Isn't it strange that negative habits are so easy to take on, but try a positive one and it can take weeks to establish.  I do not recall ever trying hard to maintain a negative habit.  It seems to come easily!

Sadly, you can undo weeks of work towards a positive habit by not doing it a couple of times.  The reverse is NOT true for the negative habit.  It takes weeks to undo it! No fair!

But, who ever said life was fair?
