Sunday, October 2, 2016

Epiphany ... While Waiting for Godot!

Have you read the book Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett?  It was a book I read for my advance French class. At the time, I didn't understand the absurdity of the play.  I thought the main character was waiting for God. What a bunch of nonsense, waiting for someone that never arrives while encountering strange characters and experiencing bizarre events. In my defense, I was 16 years old at the time and knew so little about life, something I would not have admitted at the time! You know how it is when you're a teen ...? lol

Fast forward to today, I'm presently doing an online class by Jim Rohn - One Year Success Plan. It is part of my "New Year" resolution to better myself, become more disciplined and focused.

This week's subject is about goals and how "purpose is stronger than object". As Jim would say, "You've got to find the "why" for your goals", which is in the details or what he refers too as the "drama". You also must "make it your own "worth while" and not wait for someone to do it for you".

OMGosh .... a rush of memories from advance French class flooded my mind .... En Attendant Godot! It all makes sense to me now. The main character had no direction, no goals and depended on others to direct the course of his life. He was living by default!

The moral of the story is, don't wait for others to make it easier for you. How do you know they'll even show up? Make it worthwhile for yourself, reach within and find the passion to make it happen. Live your life by design and not by default!

Wow, it took so many years for me to understand that book! Thank you Mrs. French Teacher, it all makes sense to me now! lol

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