Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sick to my stomach ....!

No, not from a bug, but from reading the news. It sickens me to see what we have become .... divided .... lacking respect for one another.

Now, I am not interested in what political party you are supporting ... so please do not make an attempt to persuade me of your opinion ... my goal on this post is to express what I have come to observe, as a Canadian living on this planet we call earth, more specifically in the United States.

As for the lack of respect towards one another, some have blamed the internet and one's ability to hide behind a computer screen. I'm positive that being able to comment anonymously or under a pseudonym probably contributes to the lack of respect, to the name calling and to the use of fowl language ... However, I do not think that is the sole reason.

Social media has certainly made it easy for many to voice their personal, at times unfiltered, opinions. Given that your post is there for everyone to see, I would think that would be a strong enough reason to be more careful of what one says. For some, it doesn't appear to be the case.

Is it possible that we, as a society, have placed manners, respect and kindness as no longer relevant, as unimportant? Many have no qualms about calling others disrespectful names, the flinging of a certain finger. Just recently the Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte told President Obama to "go to H***," among other things, and sadly we presently have a political candidate that has total disregard for others.

Is it possible that we are dealing with an pandemic of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Seeking what is best for the self with minimal effort and/or any regards to the impact it will have on others and our planet is the path towards self destruction. I'm in agreement with Spock on this, "the needs of many outweigh the needs of the one." I am afraid of what is to come. So, in the name of self-care, I am going on a media diet!

I will leave you with a quote from the late Wayne Dyer, "If you have a choice between being right or being kind, chose kindness." You will be amazed how this simple act will improve your relationships!

Stay respectful, stay kind and ask empowering questions ... the world needs people like you more than ever.


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Thank you for your kind words!