Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The answer is .....!

Got a problem? I've got the answer ... it's you!

What ever is wrong in your life, the answer is you and your unwillingness to take responsibility and make the necessary changes. I will be the first to admit, this is not easy. By the way, neither is success. Most successful people have had to work extremely hard to get to where they are. But I digress ....

It is so easy to blame someone else for our present circumstances. It's never your fault! Always something outside of yourself that limits your success. For many, regardless of your political affiliations, it's always the government's fault! Yea, right?!

Last week, I had a Canadian customer come into the shoppe with her husband. Their daughter married an American and is presently living in Virginia.  His pleasure is instigating a conversation at the dinner table about President Obama.  He enjoys getting his Republican in-laws going on .... oh how Obama is responsible for the increase in crime, the increase in racism .... you name it ... if there's a shortage of toilet paper, it's Obama's fault! Once it all gets going, he then just sits there and smiles! What a show! Now, no matter how entertaining that might be to some, it is a sad situation. Sad because no one is willing to take responsibility for present circumstances. 

His wife, who is the quilter, said something that had me thinking. She was a principle, now retired, of a school. She told me how everything that was wrong in the school was always her fault. It didn't matter what it was, it was all her fault. On a rainy day, she happened to look outside at the parking lot and there, was this huge puddle of water and exclaimed "it's probably my fault too that there's a puddle!"

It is so easy to blame everyone else for your present circumstances. At one point, you need to take responsibility for your life, take action towards a direction that will be more beneficial for you. NO one can do that for you. There is no knight in shining armor nor any wonder woman that will come to your rescue. Now grant it, it's not easy but ... it is something that must be done ... We must take responsibility for our present circumstances in order for our life to change.

As Marianne Williamson would say "The truth will set you free but first, it will piss you off".

Get over it! Start taking responsibility for your life and watch it soar to new heights. It's not the government or anyone else's fault but ... your own. Seek the answer within!

Go get them! Namaste! 

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